Cricketer Virat Kohli has penned notes on social media after Kohli's privacy was blatantly breached during the ongoing men's T20 World Cup in Australia. On Monday morning, Kohli shared that a fan entered his hotel room, captured a video, and uploaded it online.


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Virat Kohli Stated in His Instagram Post:

I understand that fans get very happy and excited seeing their favourite players and get excited to meet them and I've always appreciated that. But this video here is appalling and it's made me feel very paranoid about my privacy. If I cannot have privacy in my own hotel room, then where can I really expect any personal space at all?? I'm NOT okay with this kind of fanaticism and absolute invasion of privacy. Please respect people's privacy and not treat them as a commodity for entertainment.

In the video ( shared by the ex-Indian men's cricket team captain, his entire room is on full display—right from his clothes to his personal belongings and sneakers collection. The video's caption says, "King Kohli's hotel room."